Thursday, June 5, 2014


By Meg Guillebaud. Monarch Publications LTD, 2005


This was a very interesting and informative book. Nevertheless, there are a few points I would like to address.


The Roots of Prejudice: The event that took place at the Tower of Babel had to be more than God simply confusing the spoken languages of the people. We’ve all seen ethnically diverse construction crews working together quite well. Thus, it had to involve more than just the creation of languages, namely, I think, the creation of different ideas. These ideas formed the different cultures and inward traits of different generations, which would literally be passed down in the blood, the DNA, of said people groups.


Guillebaud twists the topic of prejudice, or the prejudging of someone, to condemn judging altogether. Yet the Bible tells us numerous times that we are to judge righteously. If we judge with a righteous judgment with the Bible and God’s principles as our guide, we will be making the right decisions about people and not judging with prejudice, that is, judging someone or something without adequate knowledge.


Guillebaud’s comment about ethnic jokes is off. There are a lot bigger reasons why instances such as the Rwandan genocide occur than the telling of jokes.


Standing In The Gap: I can understand apologizing on behalf of an individual, group of friends or one’s families for something that was done. I can understand a white missionary apologizing to the people of an African nation for the sake of being able to move along the work of evangelism. However, this chapter strays a little into the territory of the politically correct madness that “we’re all guilty” (read white people are always guilty) of everything bad that has ever happened to a perceived minority group. That sentence about the guy who cries to rape victims on behalf of all men was just too much.


I am against governments and organizations apologizing for things that happened so long ago all or most of the generation involved is dead. Below is the truth about some of the things that have been apologized for by various governments, church bodies, etc. over the past few decades.


Slavery: The importation of English people who could be employed as servants was banned. Thus, white people were forced to buy slaves from the Jewish slave traders plying this business in Africa. In addition, blacks owned other blacks, Indians had slaves and there were even white people who had slaves.


The Treatment of Natives: Though whites did wrong things to the Native Canadians and Americans, in many cases, the Indians attacked the white people first. Incidentally, the Indians were far from the peaceful nature lovers they are portrayed as today.


The Holocaust: I have written about the holocaust elsewhere on this blog. All I will say here is that the entire nation of Germany was not, in fact, guilty. There were good Germans fighting the Nazis, the same as there were Canadians, Americans and Britishers fighting them..


Segregation: Though some of the Jim Crow laws were definitely wrongheaded, from what I have been able to gather many of them were put in place to help black people. Thanks to the Civil Rights movement, black business owners lost their livelihoods, black schoolchildren were forced to unsuccessfully try to meet white educational standards and welfare laws insured a 90 percent out of wedlock birth rate.


For more information on what went on in Rwanda click here.

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