Thursday, October 25, 2012


It's tough to make it in live theatre these days which is why it's always good to read about a company that's doing well, such as the Ottawa Little Theatre profiled in Maclean's September 17 issue.

In an article about adoption in the September issue of Chatalaine, a woman complains about how difficult international adoption is. How about, if Africa has orphans, Africans adopt them; if Guatemala has orphans, Guatamalans adopt them, etc.

The same issue features Caitlin Moran in the Book Club section. This feminist hyumourist says some things that are frankly pretty stupid.

The exerpt published in the magazine basically says that men don't get upset when other men complain or insult them so women shouldn't get upset either. However, men and women are different, and no, Moran, it isn't just "a 20 percent genital difference." Men and women are dissimilar in so many ways, and this includes the fact that women tend to take things a lot more personally than men.

Moran also says "pornography isn't bad but the industry is sexist." Well of course the porn industry is inherently sexist. Pornography is designed to appeal to men and their linear nature. If pornography were made mostly or equally for women it wouldn't sell because it isn't designed to appeal to the way women are.

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