Friday, October 19, 2012


"I wake up every morning and say "It's gonna be a good day.""

See Romans 8 28. We don't need to say that it'll be a good day.

"Billy Graham said, "It's the Holy Spirit's job to convict, it's the Father's job to judge, it's our job to love."

What about the Scripture that says to judge righteously?

"The reason people doubt is jealousy."

No, the reason people doubt is lack of faith.

Cathy responded, "Your mama" to Jessi when he asked her to bring him a glass of water. In the black community "Your mama" means "you have sex with your mother." Is that any way for a Christian to talk?

Yes, part of the church world has this view that Christians shouldn't expect prosperity, but another part of the church world, the part Duplantis is involved with, expects prosperity without obedience.

The Duplantis's appear austentatious, especially with regards to buying high-end clothes. I believe Paul's instructions to Timothy regarding modesty have more to do with not wearing clothes that are too fancy than with dressing too sexily.

Duplantis makes a lot of sex jokes. He also uses the Lord's name in vain a lot, saying things like, "Jesus, Jesus Christ, Oh Jesus, etc." at points in his sermon when it really isn't appropriate to do so. My drunk, pot-smoking United church friend gets you shouldn't say things like that, why can't you get that, Jesse?

Using an analogy about Louis Faton purses?! You're seriously trying to preach to the common people like this?

God created man last simply so we would have everything we need. God created everything in order.

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